artist exhibition competitions |
4k procedural graphics |
- Show one impressive still image, completely generated by your application.
- Display the image in fullscreen
- Size Limit: 4Kb (4096 Byte) unpacked executable
- Maximum precalculation duration: 30 seconds (compo machine)
- All platforms allowed
- Resolution: 800 x 600
graphics |
- Allowed Formats: JPG, GIF or PNG
- Max. 800*600 (beamer limit)
- Please provide at least 3 working steps, pure scans are not allowed!
- The entries will be shown with the latest version of IrfanView
- Note that traced, "photoshoped" and pixelled pictures are in the same competition.
tracked music |
- Allowed formats: MOD, S3M, XM, SKM, IT, MT2, MTM, RNS (Renoise), SID
- Size limit: 1.44MB (ZIP-packed)
- No VST-Plugins allowed
- Players: XMPlay, MadTracker, Renoise, WinAmp (free available players)
- Standard Soundcard or HardSID
- Maximum length: 4 minutes
streamed music |
- Your tune has to be MP3/OGG-encoded.
- Your audience wants to be able to dance to your music, so make it rock!
- Maximum length: 4 minutes